Software testing is the predominant methodology used by the software development industry to build confidence in a software product prior
Category: Testing & Verification
Demand prediction for shared mobility services using time series modelling
People are becoming increasingly interested in new mobility solutions, such as shared mobility, which are both cheaper and environmentally friendly
Rethinking the bug-tracking paradigm
In modern development processes, the bug-tracking tool is one of the most important means of tracking any tasks, features or bugs
Investigating the use of genetic algorithms in automated test-case generation
Search-based Software Testing (SBST) is the reformulation of the test case generation problem as a search problem encountered when seeking
Human Centred Software Testing Using Augmented Reality
Software testing is a demanding activity where testers must handle considerable volumes of information coming from a wide variety of
Usability Study of Animated and Static Banner Ads on a Mobile News Website
News Websites are a great way to deliver information. From breaking news to the latest trends, they have proven to
Responding to PowerShell Attacks
PowerShell has become such a ubiquitous tool, that it is found in all Windows environments spanning from personal computers to