Recently, there has been an increase in the application of robotics to various areas, one of which is transportation. These
Category: 2021
Web-based test bed for image understanding
The use of machine learning models to understand visual data has been applied extensively to a wide range of fields.
Automatic sports-match-highlight generation
Big sporting events are reported in real time by many news outlets in the form of minute-by-minute updates. Many news
Maintaining chain of custody in a cloud environment, using database-encryption techniques
Given its widespread presence in the area of processing, and the lower storage costs it promises, cloud computing enjoys considerable
The Rise of Digital Health
The Faculty of ICT has long championed the digitisation of health, both by conducting and supporting research, as well as
Visual question answering module for apps intended as aids to the visually impaired
Visual question answering (VQA) has come a long way, especially in technologies for the benefit of persons with visual impairments.
Autonomous drone navigation for the delivery of objects between locations
The work developed is a proof-of-concept that aims to address the potential of autonomous drone navigation within the transportation industry.
Towards seamless .NET blockchain interaction by using Entity Framework
The tool being proposed in this project enables developers to integrate their .NET-based applications with both Ethereum and Entity Framework,
Computer security and communication issues in automobiles: Identification and analysis of security issues using a threat-modelling approach
Car manufacturers are building vehicles with a greater emphasis on connectivity, thus making them more convenient – but also more