Arithmetic operations on very large integers are used in many applications such as computer algebra, computational number theory and public-key
Category: Software Engineering & Web Applications
Investigating real-time remote activity- scheduling to facilitate learning for children within the autism spectrum
The learning sciences have demonstrated a need for more flexible learning environments that encourage improved versatility in the educators’ teaching
The use of tablet application to develop the social interaction skills of children with intellectual disabilities
With technology creeping into every aspect of everyday life and facilitating various daily tasks, education is no exception. Technology could,
Computational Mobility in JavaScript
The aim of this project is to build and evaluate a JavaScript framework that would facilitate the migration of both
Optimising the Go runtime scheduler
It is possible to structure a computer program as a number of concurrent tasks that execute independently, while occasionally communicating
Implementation of a Sudoku Puzzle Solver on a FPGA
Sudoku is often considered a casual puzzle game, which is played as a pastime. From a scientific perspective, the Sudoku
Transportation Issues in a Real-Time Web-Based Supply Chain
Transportation within a supply chain infrastructure is a complex, costly and challenging resource to manage. In fact, research has shown
Heuristic and Meta-heuristic Approaches to Cockpit Crew Scheduling
Crew Scheduling has been a significant topic of study for researchers in the past due to its impact on airline
Effective Car Traffic Management Using Different Technologies
Traffic jams have become a daily encounter by drivers both in Malta as well as other countries. Traffic jams occurs