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Category: 2019
Assisting Drivers Using Parking Predictions Through an Automobile App
Traffic and parking are becoming increasingly unbearable in Malta, with delays on Maltese roads being almost triple the European average
Human Centred Software Testing Using Augmented Reality
Software testing is a demanding activity where testers must handle considerable volumes of information coming from a wide variety of
Interpreting Neural Networks Via Activation Maximisation
Decision trees are models whose structure allows for tracing an explanation of how the final decision was taken. Neural networks
Security Issues in Controller Area Networks in Automobiles with the implementation of Fuzzing
The scope of this research is identifying vulnerabilities in automotive CAN networks, using fuzzing techniques. Automotive Security has gained importance
Usability Study of Animated and Static Banner Ads on a Mobile News Website
News Websites are a great way to deliver information. From breaking news to the latest trends, they have proven to
Heuristic and Meta-heuristic Approaches to Cockpit Crew Scheduling
Crew Scheduling has been a significant topic of study for researchers in the past due to its impact on airline
Audio Effects Library for Digital Signal Processor
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is the use of a computer to perform a wide variety of signal processing operations and.
Responding to PowerShell Attacks
PowerShell has become such a ubiquitous tool, that it is found in all Windows environments spanning from personal computers to