Crew Scheduling has been a significant topic of study for researchers in the past due to its impact on airline
Category: 2019
Audio Effects Library for Digital Signal Processor
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is the use of a computer to perform a wide variety of signal processing operations and.
Responding to PowerShell Attacks
PowerShell has become such a ubiquitous tool, that it is found in all Windows environments spanning from personal computers to
Effective Car Traffic Management Using Different Technologies
Traffic jams have become a daily encounter by drivers both in Malta as well as other countries. Traffic jams occurs
A Text-Independent, Multi-Lingual and Cross-Corpus Evaluation of Emotion Recognition in Speech
Ongoing research on Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is always progressing and the need for machines to detect human emotion continues
Identification of Alien Objects Underwater
Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning approaches have proven their capabilities in in-air imagery [1, 2, 3, 4] and, as
Real-time GI for dynamic environments using temporal filtering
Global Illumination (GI) results from the combination of direct and indirect illumination, with the latter being much more complex to
A Diphone-Based Maltese Speech Synthesis System
In Malta, there are 7,100 vision-impaired (1.9% of the Maltese population), and over 24,000 illiterate (6.4% of the Maltese population),
Emotion Recognition from Static Images
Nowadays, automation using artificial intelligence is being introduced across a wide spectrum; from households to large enterprises. Analysing human emotion